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Comment créer une poupée reborn
27 juin 2011

Danger du vinyl chauffé

Voiçi le message original (et assez troublant) publié par RDK le 04-02-2009

"Dangers of heating vinyl

Over the years the Art of Reborning has changed dramatically, with new techniques being introduced continuously, we find it our bound duty to inform Artists of the Dangers that can be associated with this Art form.

A warning about VOC’s being released from the vinyl has been present with our lessons for many years, and this information and warning freely shared, However today 04.02.09 we have had it confirmed by an independent Artist that these dangers are more real than ever, we feel it is your right to have knowledge of this information.

An Artist had it confirmed last week at hospital that she is suffering from toxic vapour poisoning, which has slowly damaged her liver. After Doctors discovered she had raised levels of Toxins in her blood, they had her keep a full journal of her Reborning habits, her blood was tested on a monthly basis, and it has been found that the Toxins in her blood are raised with the more Dolls Reborned each month, they also found that Reborning the Ashton Drake dolls almost tripled her Toxin levels.

Doctors are advising that what effects one person, may not be harmful to everyone, they advise that a protective mask and gloves be used when heating the vinyl, and that this is done in a separate oven to the oven in which you cook your food, and the purpose oven is placed in a very well ventilated area. (As advised in our VOC warning).

Simply Reborn Limited advise that if you are heating vinyl;

*You NEVER heat vinyl in an oven which you cook ANY food for Human consumption
*You use a separate oven in a very well ventilated area… or
*You use a heat gun, outside of the Family home
*You wear a protective mask whilst heating the vinyl, and in the vicinity of where the vinyl has been heated.
*You take every precaution possible not to expose family members to these silent and invisible fumes.


Simply Reborn Limited, The Directors, employees and Artists can not be held responsible, for any damage or defect caused directly or indirectly to either property or person whilst using the Simply Reborn Lessons or products.
Individuals are responsible for their own health and safety, and for any property whilst using the Simply Reborn Lessons and products.

When heating vinyl of any kind, caution must be taken, We strongly advise any kind of vinyl should NOT be heated in a domestic oven. Heating any type of vinyl, from any manufacturers should be carried out outside the family home, because of the risks of VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds. Artists who attend out LIVE classes do so at their own risk."

En gros:

Une artiste reborneuse a été hospitalisée la semaine dernière souffrant de vapeurs toxiques (empoisonnement) qui a lentement endommagé son foie. Son sang a été analysé régulièrement tous les mois et il s'avère que ce taux de toxines ne cessait d'augmenter...Le rapport a été fait entre son reborning et ces toxines.

Ces effets ne se sont révélés que sur une seule personne pour l'instant mais il faut savoir que nous pouvons tous y être sensibles. Maintenant que nous sommes en connaissance des dangers, à nous de prendre nos précautions!!!

Simply Reborn limited donne donc des mesures de précausion à prendre:

(Je rappelle que la chauffe du vinyle est indispensable lorsque ce sont les genesis qui sont utilisées).

-Utiliser un four dans un endroit bien aéré...Voir à l'extérieur!!!

-Ne surtout pas utiliser le four domestique dans lequel nous cuisons nos aliments!!!

-Porter un masque et des gants à proximité de l'endroit où est chauffé le vinyl.

-Ne pas exposer les membres de la famille à ces vapeurs toxiques dégagées par le vinyl chauffé.

Ils ne se tiennent pas responsables...blablabla....blablabla....



Si je me permets de publier cet article aujourd'hui sur le blog, ce n'est pas pour créer une psychose...Mais pour vous informer des risques que l'on peut vous permettre ainsi d'agir en conséquence et de prendre vos précautions si l'on utilise la genesis...


Comment créer une poupée reborn